Good Life Child Project [GLCP]

Bag distributed to GLCP Children @ Boothamali and ottanchatram

" Educating & Empowering Young India "


GLCP is holistically tackling issues at the root cause of gender inequality in India. We believe that if girls in the most backward gender gap districts are educated now, they will have potential to enter the formal economy, gain employment and lift their families out of poverty. This project is part of Calvary Faith Ministries (CFM), founded and directed by Rev.Dr. Ellis William.D


    • To uplift the poor and destitute girls of India educationally, irrespective of cast, creed and religion
    • We aim to achieve behavioural, social and economic transformation for all girls towards an India where all children have equal oppurtunities to access quality education.
    • To value everylife as God’s gift and to install social, ethical, moral and spiritual values based on biblical principles.


We face thousands of children everyday who struggle to get through one day in their lives with basic amenities like food, water, clothing and a place to live. Poverty is still a major issue in the nation India. As India being one of the fastest growing nation economically in the world, poverty is hidden behind the brand new glass clade buildings in the cities.

Povery in India is Preventing Children from getting an education.  Most of the poverty striken parents are not able to provide for their children and sees them as a source to bring more income into the family. Due to this child labour is one of the biggest challenge in India.

At GLCP we believe that we are called to abolish poverty by the power of God. We not only want to provide for their physical needs but also create an awareness mentally, through education. We want the children to realise that they are worth more than what they think they are. We believe that providing education for the kids will enlarge their perspective in life and open up their mind to new oppurtunities which will enable them to have a good life for themselves and their families.


    • Generally Indian girl Children are not preferred by parents, especially in the downtrodden villages. They are seen more as a burden and a liability.
    • Due to this often girls are kept at home for household works and are not sent to school.
    • In developing countries like India, poverty struck families and their children don’t have a future and a higher place in society without education.
    • GLCP brings hope and future to these children, families and community.


    • GLCP is focused to target and empower girls through education.
    • Under GLCP we will be running different awareness programmes that will holistically provide for the needs of the children and continue to fulfill the mission.
    • GLCP will give monthly support for the basic educational needs likes books & study materials.
    • In some areas GLCP girls also benefit from our FREE TUITION CENTER programmes.


    • Through GLCP we were able to create educational awareness among the parents of the downtrodden villages and the children.
    • We have also seen a great progress in controling child labour by sending children to school.
    • They survive child birth.
    • There is an enlightment mentally, spiritually, socially & economically.
    • We have also seen casteism broken and different caste children coming under one roof to receive free tuition.


Free Tuition Center:
